Stupid Anime Is Still Anime

If you’ve spent much time reading or listening to anime reviews, then you’ve probably heard it said at least a few times that some show or the other isn’t “true” anime. This is usually coupled with a comparison to another show that the reviewer personally likes as an example of why it isn’t “true” anime.

Just between us, that’s utter horseshit.

For the purposes of this article, I’m going to be mentioning a few shows that routinely get dissed and called out as stupid, or not worthy of being considered anime. Some of them you may know, others you may not. To the last, however, they are true anime, because anime is a medium, and anything that falls within that medium is technically anime.


First off, let me make something clear. The terms stupid and bad are frequently used synonymously, as if thought they mean the same thing. They don’t. A show can be stupid, and still be really good. A show can be bad, but still be intelligent. These are two very different things. That said, Stupid And Bad Anime Are Still Anime would be a confusing title for a post, so for now, I’m going to allow them to be applied as if they were equal terms.

I don’t like it, but it’ll make writing and reading this a lot simpler.

So, what is anime anyway? In brief, anime is a term used to describe animation from Japan, though the word itself is most likely French in origin, coming about from the term dessin anime. It’s also possible that the term did originate in Japan with animeshon, or how animation is spelled and pronounced in Japanese. Nobody seems to know for certain which is the actual origin of the word, and it hardly matters for one simple reason.

In Japan, anything animated is anime, even if it comes from another country. G.I. Joe is anime, for example, as is Mickey Mouse and Thundercats. Basically, if it’s animated, be it hand drawn or computer animation, it’s anime. So, yeah, technically Toy Story is anime.

Image result for toy story
Technically anime

Western countries are the ones who have come to hold the term to mean animation from Japan, with its distinctive look and style. For myself, I tend to go with the way terms are used in the home countries, so to me, anything animated is still anime, because that’s how it’s considered where the kind of anime we’re talking about comes from.

That said, we are talking about anime from Japan here, so let’s focus on that for a minute. The style we are all familiar with more or less originated with Osamu Tezuka in the 1960’s, though there were earlier works that he built his style on. The widespread popularity of Tezuka’s work remains a major influence in anime to this day, but it goes way beyond big eyes and funny emoticons.

The real genius in anime is that it can use fewer pages of animation to create the illusion of movement, which was basically what Tezuka really pioneered. While the big eyes and so on that are common in anime today were also his creations, it was his animation techniques that allowed the anime industry to thrive, requiring fewer cells to be painted in order to create the effect that was desired. This sped up production considerably, and allowed anime to become a common means of storytelling.

So, once again, when we look at what anime technically is, anything that uses Tezuka’s techniques is technically anime, including the American made The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, which used the same techniques and art style common in Japanese made anime.

Yes, I just said Last Airbender and Korra were anime. They are, and I don’t care what anyone says. They used the style and technique, therefore they are anime. It really is just that simple.

Korra 05
Still anime

While Tezuka’s techniques and style became common in Japan, America and many other countries were more heavily influenced by animation created by studios like Warner Brothers. Bugs Bunny, Tom & Jerry, and later on, Hanna Barbara, created their own distinct styles that caught on in the States and many parts of Europe.

Disney also showed a distinctive style, which perhaps ironically, influenced Tezuka, and was his inspiration for creating the art style known as anime. So, yeah, when you get right down to the brass tacks of the matter, Walt Disney helped create anime, intentionally or not, so technically, anime is a byproduct of his work. So again, we can broaden the definition of what anime really is, if we chose to.

Yes, the purists are having seizures. I know. They’ll pass out soon enough.

Still, let’s just focus on anime from Japan. This is what most folks think of when they talk about anime, so narrowing our definition to just that will work for the purposes of this post. It isn’t entirely accurate, once again, but we’ll let that slide so I’m not here all day sorting out the various intricate details and complex history of animation in general.

That’s make my fingers tired real fast.

Now, when we talk about anime, there’s a few shows that always come up as the best examples of the medium. Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, FullMetal Alchemist, and so on. I’m sure you guys know the titles as well as I do by now. The “true” anime. The shows worthy of being called anime.

Let’s talk about School Days instead.

Image result for School Days
Anime. I guess.

If you’ve never seen it, and oh, man, do I hope you haven’t, School Days is a traditional romance anime that follows a young male protagonist as he tries to get the girl of his dreams to fall in love with him. He succeeds, promptly cheats on her, and in retaliation she chops of his head and takes it on a cruise.

No, really. That’s what happens.

Image result for School Days
Told you so.

School Days is a really fucked up show.

It’s also a pretty terrible one. Not to say it’s bad, as it isn’t. The animation, music, voice work, and everything else is all pretty good. It’s the story that’s horrible. It goes from a generic slice of life romance story to full on horror out of freaking nowhere. One girl gets disemboweled by the comically calm female protagonist after she chops off her ex boyfriends head. It’s completely batshit insane. As is the male leads sudden desire to bang every girl he sees, and their willingness to get banged by him. The whole thing feels like a giant PSA for abstinence that went as horribly wrong as those anti-drug rap groups from the 90’s.

Yes, we all still have nightmares about those.

Image result for anti drug rap south park
Yeah. Sure. Anime. Why not?

Here’s where we get into the difference I mentioned earlier. School Days is a well made anime, that happens to be insanely stupid. It’s not bad, but it is dumb as as a box of hammers. It’s also still an anime. It’s animated, from Japan, and was made by Studio TNK, the same studio behind UFO Ultramadien Valkyrie, Ikki Tousen, and The Seven Deadly Sins. So it’s as legit as it comes in terms of being an anime.

Just because it’s dumb as your cousin Cooter after he drank that anti-freeze moonshine doesn’t mean it isn’t an anime. You don’t get to rule it out as a legit anime product just because the bad is hilariously bad.

Speaking of Ikki Tousen, that’s another show that gets slapped with the dumb label a lot. Which is pretty fair. Ikki Tousen is pretty damn dumb. It’s also gorgeously animated, with high quality voice work, and more series under it’s belt than sumo wrestlers have chins. In other words, it’s a highly successful anime series, so dumb or not, it’s hardly bad.

Granted, it’s 90% fan service with some fight scenes thrown in, but by no measure is it a poorly made show, so bad it really isn’t. Stupid, yes, but not bad. It’s also 100% an anime.

Image result for ikki tousen
*sigh* Anime

A soft core porn anime, but still an anime.

Speaking of soft porn, let’s talk about shonen series for a minute.

Did ya like that segue? I thought it was pretty subtle. Yup. Subtle like the wind.


Shonen anime is where you most frequently hear the term bad anime thrown around. Shows like Bleach, Naruto, Fairy Tail, and others are frequently lumped in as bad because they tend to build around themes of friendship and team work. Why this is a bad thing, I’ll never know. Friendship and teamwork have always been good things in my life.

Also, Dragonball is for some reason exempt from this. Why, I have no idea, even though it absolutely is a shonen anime that builds around themes of teamwork and friendship. It’s Dragonball, so it apparently gets a pass because… dragon balls?

Image result for dragon balls
You were expecting a picture of a dragon’s balls. Don’t lie.

The thing is, these are always very successful and popular series, and the animation work is pretty much top quality without fail. High production values, quality voice work, and excellent music are all devoted to these shows, because they are doing what they are suppose to do, be successful.

They also tend to flood the studios behind them with lots and lots of cash, which lets them make those artsy niche shows that the elitists consider truly worthy of the holy designation Anime. *Cue reverent music and softly whispered voices of awe*

Without those “bad” shows, the show they like wouldn’t even get made, because there’s not as much money in them. Certainly not enough to keep a studio alive, animators employed, and directors egos fed a steady diet of interns.

Manglobe is an excellent example of this. They made artsy shows, and went bankrupt.

My point being, those shows are good, because they support the industry. Whether you like them or not is totally irrelevant. They are what keep the industry alive, because lots of people watch them, both in Japan, and around the world. I know people who don’t even know what anime is that know what Naruto is, just to give an example of how widely recognized that property is.

The same goes for everybody’s favorite punching bad, Sword Art Online, the subject of many posts by me. SAO is wildly successful, and keeps A-1 in business by being wildly successful. Which in turn allows them to make little shows like Anohana, which I’ve reviewed before, a series that as far as I know, has never even been picked up for dubbing, and at least half the anime fans I’ve talked with have never heard of. That’s pretty damn niche, and it wouldn’t even have been possible to invest money in it had they not been flush with that sweet SAO cash.

No matter how you feel about it.

Not to mention the crap tons of money they get from Fairy Tail, another A-1 production that lets them make all kinds of other shows purists love, like Space Brothers, Fractale, Erased, and more.

That matters, because the anime industry as a whole is, first and foremost, a business. If it isn’t making money, then it fails. That’s pretty simple.

Is anime an art form? In the technical sense, yeah. However, it’s a business before it’s an art form. Before it’s anything, it’s a business. If something makes money, it’s a success in their minds. The directors and artists may care about the artistic merit of what they make, but the studio cares about the bottom line, and that’s just how it is.

I mean, c’mon, you really think porno movies like Bible Black get made because the studio thinks of what it’s doing as art? Gimme a break.

Image result for bible black
Yeah. Art.

Look, it’s okay to have favorite shows, and it’s okay to have shows you don’t like. That’s normal, and part of being human. Any form of entertainment, which anime is, is going to appeal to different people differently. I don’t mean to sound like a broken record here, and I know I say this a lot, but enjoyment of any form of entertainment is purely subjective.

I’m not a fan of Lady Gaga. That doesn’t make her music bad, or dumb, or not real music. It isn’t ruining the entire music industry, either. That just means it doesn’t appeal to me personally. That’s all. Nothing more.

The same goes for anime you don’t like. SAO may not be your cup of tea, any more than Fairy Tail, Bleach, Naruto, or Ikki Tousen, but by no means are those projects ruining anime by making it dumb, bad, lame or anything else. They are keeping anime studios in business, and that can only be a good thing if you enjoy anime in general.

In that sense, those projects are more purely anime than anything else you can name, because they are what make the “good” shows even possible for studios to make.

Like it or not, anime is a business, and that bottom line is always going to come first. Artistic shows, much less experimental concepts, like Serial Experiments Lain, Haibane Renmei, and the like, are not going to keep any studio in business, because they do not have a wide enough appeal. It isn’t relevant that you think they should, or that you don’t like people that don’t see how genius and perfect they are, because at the end of the day, anime isn’t a pure artistic medium.

It’s entertainment, and that’s just a business.

Image result for fan service
And we all know what sells best.

Here’s what you need to remember. There is no anime that will, or even can, ruin anime. There are just people who take anime way too seriously, and out of their overdeveloped passion, forget that it is just television. There’s nothing wrong with having passion for something, but when you loose sight of reality, it become a problem.

Don’t believe me? Tell a Star Trek fan that you think the new movies are better than the old stuff. While most will shrug, there’s the few who absolutely loose their shit all over you. Same goes if you tell a Star Wars fan that you think the prequels are better than the originals. Or that Jar-Jar Binks is your favorite character.

They forget that you have a right to your own opinion. The same goes for anime lovers. They find that one show that really, truly speaks to them in a way nothing else ever has, and forget that it doesn’t do that for everyone. They become like those Mormons that come around to knock on your door, trying to get you to join.

Being passionate about something, especially something that moves you deeply, is natural. It does not make everything else terrible, however, and certainly doesn’t mean anyone who didn’t feel the same doesn’t deserve an opinion of their own, much less a show that did the same for them that wasn’t the same show you had.

Everyone experiences things differently. We’re all inside our own heads, seeing the world from our perspective alone. When it comes to entertainment, what we enjoy is going to be influenced by our lives, experiences, and world view. That’s fine, normal, and the way things should be.

Let’s all try and remember that next time we see a show that makes us roll our eyes out the back of our heads, though. There may be someone out there for whom that show is a life altering experience, no matter how dumb or bad we think it is.

They feel the same way about it you do about the show you love most, and having a bit of respect for that makes us all better people, and a better fandom.

Even when it makes you feel like this.

33 thoughts on “Stupid Anime Is Still Anime

  1. School days is anime šŸ˜• got me there. An anime which I don’t want to remember again aye. I want to reset my time watching it šŸ˜‚āœŒ

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I don’t think ‘X ain’t an anime’ is an argument I have heard yet. Thankfully. I’m not sure if my mind can handle that level of stupidity. A hilariously bad movie doesn’t make it any less of a movie-you just give it awards like Worst Movie of ___ Year. Take Catwoman for instance. Same with anime. It’s a medium – though admittedly one whose parameters are still in debate – but shows like School Days and SAO and the Big Three sure as hell are anime no matter what one’s personal taste.

    I’ve never seen School Days btw but that scene with the head looks very…romantic. Necrophilia is in these days?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am pleased to hear that you didn’t go through the suffering of watching School days āœŒ.
      I literally fast forwarded the last few episodes just for the sake of knowing how it ends.
      Even though I don’t usually fast forward OP’s and ED’s that much -.- šŸ˜•šŸ™‡

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Eventually, I’m sure you’ll run into one of those folks who thinks they can tell you what “real” anime is or isn’t. Believe me, it genuinely is one of the more mind numbing experiences you can have.

      Though, if I am being honest, their argument is more one of artistic merit. Shows that elevate the medium, or a given genre, like Cowboy Bebop or Evangelian, are what they consider true anime. They see anime as an art form before it is entertainment, which I can kinda get. Or rather, I can get wanting to see it that way. It’s still entertainment, and commercial viability is the only real measure of any shows success, but still.

      As for School Days, it does end with her taking the head on a cruise and making out with it, so yeah. Necrophilia.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh joy. I am not looking forward to that inevitability.

        Alright, I guess I can see why some would have that mindset. I still don’t that is a viable method for classifying what is and isn’t an anime because the artistic merit speaks for quality rather than terminology.

        Wow. True romance right there.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Pretty much, yeah. To me, the only real measure of what’s good and bad in anime is the same as with everything else. Did you enjoy it If you did, then it was god. If not, then it wasn’t.

          No form of entertainment is going to appeal to everyone. This makes good and bad purely subjective, and any attempt to be objective almost impossible.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. I was actually planning to do a post similar to this about why “smart” Anime isn’t all that matters, but this takes a lot of that idea already (I may still do it though)

    I agree that the “it’s not REAL Anime” argument is stupid. Anime is Anime, love it or hate it.

    Great post as always dude and great to see even more solid SAO defense.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. By all means, please do. I’d love to read your thoughts on this subject.

      The smart anime argument doesn’t really hold water, either, when you think about it. FMA is considered by most to be a smart anime, but look at all the goofy things they do with Ed, which all hallmarks of dumb anime. Not to mention, vague is often confused with smart.

      Of course, we’re talking about animated stuff here, so how do we even define what’s smart to start with?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. While I can definitely see why people consider FMA smart, it’s all fictional science just like A Certain Magical Index, a show that most people who would praise FMA would consider “dumb” and “tasteless” despite having the exact same approach to its fictional science. I’d actually argue that Index does it BETTER and more in depth, yet it’s “dumb” because it’s a Light Novel adaptation with an “OP” (not really) protagonist…

        Yeah… I need to write about this. Stay tuned for it!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, this! Thank you!

          I recently finished Log Horizon, a show that is frequently touted as the “better” version of SAO, and felt exactly this way. It’s the same show, only slightly worse, but dressed up to look smart. Probably gonna post about that later.

          Frankly, since we’re talking light novels, there’s been a ton that were adapted into excellent animes. Source material is not a good gauge of quality, either, much less holding the form of the source materiel against an anime.

          I will be eagerly watching for your post.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. While I definitely enjoyed Log Horizon a lot, it’s a very different show from SAO in the sense that it’s more focused on politics, economics and alliances between groups of characters and forming a society than it is about fighting for your lives in a kill or be killed situation like SAO.

            They’re fairly different approaches to a similar idea, and people who compare them are missing the point entirely.

            I definitely prefer SAO’s more action and threat focused approach, but I can see why people prefer Log Horizon. I wouldn’t say it’s any “smarter” than SAO though or that it doesn’t suffer from the same trappings, because it does.

            And thanks!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. At least you’ll acknowledge that. Most don’t even mention the similarity of the trappings. They focus on the strong points, and ignore everything else.

              Now, I grant, the two shows approach their ideas with completely different intentions, so it isn’t fair to compare them. I probably will anyway, though.

              For one reason. The harem issue. If SAO is going to constantly get burned on it’s not actually a harem, then Log Horizon really does deserve to be called out for it’s blatant harem plot line.

              No, that isn’t really fair, I know, but I need material for blog posts here!

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Honestly, I can’t say that I’ve ever seen a review of Log Horizon where that was addressed. Mostly, they just talk about how it’s better than SAO because it focuses on economics, political negotiations, actual game elements, and social issues, but leave out all the silly running gags, fan service, harem comedy, and anything else that might make it look bad.

              I ended up going into it with very high expectations, that, for real, it could never meet because of that.


  4. I commented on this before, I think, on a discussion about Porter Robinson’s “Shelter” and the controversy surrounding the /r/anime subreddit moderators’ decision to take down a thread about the film. Their logic was that it didn’t meet a portion of their very specific definition of anime: “produced for Japanese consumption.”

    This part is aimed at preserving the definition of anime as a distinctly Japanese art form. By and large, ‘traditional’ anime doesn’t get made with American audiences in mind. Because Robinson, an American DJ, wrote Shelter for an audience that wasn’t necessarily Japanese, it doesn’t count. People, somewhat rightfully, went absolutely bonkers over this.

    The thing is, I understand the reasoning. It was a clinical and unbiased decision to exclude something from discussion that didn’t meet the subreddit’s requirements. As large as it is, /r/anime isn’t a public forum to talk about whatever you want. The moderators felt it in their best interest to keep discussion strictly limited to their definition of anime. Just because Shelter was popular didn’t mean they should have budged. Allowing it based on its popularity or some arbitrary sense of principle goes down a slippery slope of favoritism and semantics until they have to allow people to talk about Frozen. No one in /r/anime wants that.

    Anyone can have whatever opinion they want. I’ve never questioned anyones’ right to one. But if I’m talking to someone about what I perceive to be anime, I’m not going to have a fruitful discussion when their response is “have you seen Dora the Explorer? My kids love it.” I write an anime blog, but how many people (who read primarily for the anime content) are going to stick around if I talk about Talespin all the time, no matter how much I loved that show?

    My point is, when discussing anime or any medium, there has to be a general consensus about what you’re talking about that has nothing to do with anime being considered sacred or superior to any other art form (though this is the point that makes elitists foam at the mouth when you talk to them about Avatar). The definition you laid out is as good as any other, but it’s still subjective. Unless and until someone else is willing to align to that perspective, you won’t be speaking the same language. Maybe it’s because I’m an engineer and I need everything to operate on a set of rules. Who knows.

    I think I got way off point with all this. Bad anime and stupid anime is most certainly still anime. šŸ˜›

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Personally, I have no problem with limiting the use of the term anime to strictly Japanese produced animation. That’s fine, as it does help with focusing a topic of conversation, much the way you described.

      The term itself is a bit vague, just by virtue of how it used in Japan, versus how it’s used elsewhere. That can’t really be helped. If anything, I guess I just wanted to bring up that fact, which often gets lost.

      Just me, but yes, I do consider Last Airbender and Korra to be anime, because they use the techniques of anime. That was intentional on the creators part, as well. They wanted it to stand as an American anime, so they made it as such.

      Is it strictly anime? Debatable. Depends on how you define anime, I suppose.

      That said, when it comes to how discussion groups want to limit the conversation, that’s up to them. How we define it as bloggers is up to us, as well.

      The general consensus that anime comes from Japan is as good as baseline as any, but as anime becomes ever more popular around the world, it is going to end up being challenged, and that baseline may have to change. Last Airbender is, I think, the first wave of the globalization of anime. Time will tell, I suppose, but I think we’re about to see anime becoming a world wide thing, making the country of origin almost moot.

      That could probably be a blog post unto itself, though.

      Anyway, well said as always. I do so love getting to bounce these things back and forth with you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gah, I had a beautiful, lucid reply all typed up for you. Then I accidentally close the window. You get revision 2 now.

        Thanks for indulging me in any case. I only seem to do this sort of thing here because I feel safe rambling on your blog for some reason.

        After latching on to the whole definition of anime issue I forgot about what I originally wanted to talk about. I think a lot of the argument against what is or isn’t bad anime is targeted against the fanbase that creates popularity around the mass market titles. Those titles by definition stretch themselves thin to reach the widest audience possible the same way pop music does, and likewise lose the “soul” that lets them connect with viewers on a deeper level. The fear is that the more popularity that anime like the big three get, the more they risk shifting the industry toward something that panders disproportionately to that crowd.

        I see this in comics all the time, where virtually every title that sees less than 20,000 units moved in a month gets systematically axed. This leads to a culture where sales, and the tastes that drive them, dictate the direction of the industry. People who crave more intellectual work instead get bombarded with another Avengers variation every quarter (not that there aren’t some really good Avengers runs, it’s just an example), and they rail against the fanbase that keeps buying Avengers.

        It’s true for any industry really, but you still see a lot of experimentation with anime, and a willingness to try bold concepts. The reason that thje elitist thinks we don’t get more anime like, say Mushishi, is because too many people want anime like Naruto, and that studios will gravitate toward that mold if they see things like Space Battleship Yamato not getting enough attention.

        Which isn’t exactly true. Manglobe certainly had a commitment toward a certain vision and put out a ton of great titles. But they illustrate the exact opposite point as well, because look where they are.

        Unfortunately not all studios can be like A-1, who seemed to have so much cash they can take on virtually any project that comes their way, from niche productions like Sora no Woto to wide appeal shows like Fairy Tail. Their style is so varied that you would struggle to pin anything down as indicative of an A-1 anime. They just focus on drawing pictures and making them move really well and don’t worry so much about what exactly goes into the show. This strategy thankfully gave us Anohana and Your lie in April alongside SAO. Whatever gave them the capital to be able to greenlight so many projects (probably Space Brothers) is a good thing, in my opinion. So long as studios have the ability and financial freedom to put out something that has real potential to be personally resonant once in a while, I’m fine with them putting out as many mass market titles as they want.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Hate it when that happens. Version 2 is good to go, though!

          While I certainly don’t want to dismiss concerns about mass market appeal out of hand, I’ve frequently found that argument rarely ends up holding water. For an example, let me give Twilight.

          Ugh… Twilight… As I writer, I must burn it with fire.

          While it was immensely popular, it ended up being a flash in the pan kind of popularity in the big picture. Sure, we got a ton of sexy vampire fiction for a while, but like all trends, it faded, and was replaced by another. I think realistic fantasy is the current vogue.

          Mass market tends to move that way. It jumps from one trend to the next, with none of them having any real long lasting impact. This is fine, because that is what generates the capitol for other projects that likely never would have seen the light of day.

          The fear of everything going to the mass market vein is as old as I am, and likely, older. It’s never happened, and probably never will, because creative types like to push the envelope. For every big mass market trend success, there’ll always be another low key thinker piece. All media has worked this way for a long time now.

          Which just bring me around to agreement with you. Mass market titles are fine. I’ve even enjoyed some of them. They give us the ability to enjoy other projects, and always will. One hand washing the other, so to speak.

          As I’ve said many times, feel free to ramble away. It never bothers me. Hell, makes me happy to know you feel free to do it here. That’s all I could ever want.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Would I get shouted down if I said that School Days is actually kind of fun to watch is you want to see how to throw a narrative off a cliff? Yeah, it’s one of those stories I like because of how it manages to take such a simple concept and still manages to become a complete mess.
    I really loved this post. So many fans seem to forget that anime is part of the entertainment industry and ultimately they are profit driven. Just because you don’t like certain shows doesn’t mean they are destroying the industry (a point I very briefly raise in the intro to my feature I’m writing for Friday). Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Nah, I prefer for conversations to stay civil. Besides, you have a point. In that run away train crash kinda way, School Days is kinda fun. The whole WTF of it all can be entertaining in its own right.

      It’s that whole “ruining anime” argument that ended up making me write this really. The very idea is simply preposterous. No matter how far back you go, there’s always been anime that made you raise an eyebrow or two. So long as a project makes money, however, the industry survives, and thrives.

      Most studios would love to do more artistic works, I suspect. They are artists, after all. Gotta pay the bills, first, though. That’s just reality.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Ah, it’s posts like these that remind me of why I enjoy reading your blog so much. Absolutely 100% agree with everything you wrote here. Why put labels on anything anyway? If you enjoy a series: great if someone else doesn’t like the same show: power to them. It’s pretty much respect for other people’s opinions that is lacking these days. I don;t care a flying frog (I know they don’t technically exist), if someone does not agree with me on a certain movie or series being great. It’s simply a matter of opinion. And if a series really is bad, there will always be people who might find it the best thing since sliced bread (which in my opinion is overrated lol). Same goes for something technically being Anime or not. Who cares? As long as you enjoy it, who cares what is called. Anyways, fantastic post my friend šŸ˜Š

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, and I totally agree.

      Of late, I’ve found myself drawn to making the point as often as I can that the critic community is really only offering their opinion. No one can objectively measure someone’s entertainment of a piece of fiction, be it television, books, films, or anything else.

      Critics offer opinions, and nothing more. That’s something they, and their followers, need to remember, and while I wouldn’t say it’s a calling, it has started becoming a bit of an issue I’m focused on.

      Enjoyment of entertainment is the goal, not a byproduct.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well said. I really enjoy sharing opinions and having discussions about a series or movie, just as long as it is done in a respectful way. Unfortunately that does not always happen. Here on WordPress though, everyone just seems to be very respectful for everyone’s work, which really is a good thing šŸ˜Š

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It does seem that WordPress folks are bit more understanding. Maybe it’s the give and take nature of the format. I don’t know. That’s something to think about.

          That aside, I do know that I’ve found a lot more like minded people here than I ever did anywhere else. That’s something, no matter how you cut it.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes, when I first started out here, and slowly started interacting with other people, I was (and I guess I still am) surprised by all the kindness that is shown in this community. Really would not have want to miss this experience gif anything šŸ˜Š

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    1. Don’t feel bad. Most of what I watch is commercial anime. Hell, all of what I watch is commercial anime, because all anime is commercial.These are tv shows, and their intent is for commercial success. Critical acclaim is just people giving their two cents on why other people should or shouldn’t watch a tv show. Being critically acclaimed doesn’t make a commercial project suddenly become art, no matter how much the critics think it does.


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